Friday, July 08, 2005

Our First Week in Wakulla

Hey folks,

So, we've been here a week and already we're filling up the bath tubs and stocking up on batteries for Hurricane Dennis....sheesh, welcome to Florida!

Still, we're loving it here. Kristin was really homesick for a few days but already is doing so much better. We went down to the Sopchoppy Fair for the Fourth. Big ol' greasy bratwurst dogs with grilled onions, fresh watermelon, and really bad live country music--it was a perfect way to celebrate America! When it got dark, we laid our towels down on the river bank and saw what I would say was the best fireworks show I can remember. The fireworks were launched from a boat out on the river and they exploded right over our heads. You felt the "BOOM" right down in the pit of your stomach! It was awesome, and it went on and on and on. I gotta say, the show at Texas Stadium had nothing on the proud citizens of Sopchoppy, who--by the way--proved to be very interesting subjects for observation. I mean, sorry to sound like a snobby Californian (can we really help it?), but man, the place could really use another orthodontist or two, hehehe.

But hey, what folks lack in teeth, they more than make up for in friendliness. I've never been somewhere that is so friendly; it's almost a little creepy. In L.A. I was afraid of waving to strangers 'cause they might shoot you. Here, you're afraid of getting shot if you DON'T wave at everybody! If you're out in the lawn or driving around town, you better be waving, nodding your head, and smiling like an idiot at every pedestrian and vehicle that happens to pass through your line of sight. You also can't go out anywhere without getting into some long conversation about the weather or college football. Those are the two most important topics around here; fortunately, they're both topics that I happen to enjoy talking about.

So far, we really love how unpretentious it is here, but that's not to say that it's totally backwards. Contrary to popular opinion, most of the people in the South really aren't toothless, racist rednecks, waving Dixie flags and marrying their cousins. In fact, about half the people we've met aren't even from here--lots of people from the North looking to move somewhere warmer or people from the cities looking for a slower pace of life. Indeed, life here does seem to go just a little bit under the speed limit, metaphorically speaking, and that's okay with us.

The scenery is really gorgeous. Lots of cypress and slash pine forests, beautiful rivers and bays, and yes, lots of alligators! There's also some really good restaurants here (about the best seafood we've every had), but they're not the kind of places you'll feel any need to dress up for. In fact, that's sort of the philosophy that sums up the whole area--"come as you are!"

The house is really coming together. Kristin's got a great eye for decorating on a budget. Even though it's a pretty big house, she's managed to make it feel real cozy. So, anybody who wants to visit, we got plenty of room for you and we'd love the company!

Guess that's about it for now. We'll try to get some photos posted in the next week or so.

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